


What does data mean in reality? In the Netherlands Burn-out is the number one disease on the work floor and the problem is growing. This is also the case at the Hogeschool of Amsterdam. Their employee inquiry showed that 75% of all employees experience a too big of a workload.

For the HvA Anne and Mats did a research on what the experience of the workload of students, teachers and employees is in practice. The number 75% does not mean anything on itself, because what is it that people suffered from and how can an organization deal with this using their interior? Is the problem that seems to come out of the data in fact the real problem?

In order to perform the research Anne and Mats, in collaboration with Object Studio, placed the Relax Lab inside the HvA. Within this installation the research could immediately give insights, generate involvement with the people of the Hva and take away the taboo on the subject. At the same time the Lab functioned as a testing ground for us to test interventions in the interior.

Relax Lab

AtelierMatsRelaxLab04 AtelierMatsRelaxLab01

copyright 2022 Anne Ligtenberg.

All rights reserved.